13th November 2024
NEC Birmingham

IMPORTANT: Exhibitor Notice

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Data Driven Leadership & Management

Real World Analytics showed visitors how to crunch the numbers to obtain real world insights into their business, turning data and information into action which boosts sales and profits. This session focused on how motor retailers can work smarter rather than harder and make data work for dealerships.

In this session, visitors learnt:

  • Identifying the data that will make a difference to your dealership
  • Automatically collate all data sources into one place and improve efficiency
  • Turn data insights into action which boosts profitability
  • Achieve the right balance between information gathering and taking action whilst avoiding data overload
  • Understand the benefit of having complete transparency of your group down to department level


Neil Murphy

Neil Murphy

Automotive Data Scientist

Real World Analytics



Why is this topic important to motor retailers?

“Change in the industry is imminent. In order to manage this, senior management must embed new business processes and empower their teams with the information they need to do their job. Data is the lifeblood of your business and the dealers who recognise this and use it effectively, will benefit from improved operational and financial performance.” 

Why should delegates come to see your session?

“Delegates will understand how to use their own data to drive operational and financial performance in their dealerships. They will learn how clarity around goals and targets, which are delivered in the correct format, drives performance. They will also learn the power of benchmarking or leader boards, and how they are used to motivate people right across the organisation.” 

- Neil Murphy, Automotive Data Scientist, Real World Analytics


Real World Analytics