13th November 2024
NEC Birmingham

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Leadership & Focus

After working with some of automotive retail’s most successful groups, Addley delivered an informative and insightful view of what he’s learned about leadership from some of the best in the business.

In this session, visitors learnt:

  • How leaders of some of the biggest names in the sector have created their own leadership style

  • The common threads which inevitably emerge among the sector’s most successful automotive groups

  • The habits and skills some of the best automotive retailer leaders continually demonstrate

  • How creating the right culture in a business with a clear purpose, mission and goals

  • Apply simple techniques around focus, effective habits to produce great results


Neil Addley

Neil Addley

Founder & Managing Director

JudgeService Research



Why is this topic important to motor retailers?

“In my opinion leadership is the most important part of any business owner or manager’s role.   Managers like to control, while leaders inspire trust. Managers focus on execution, while leaders focus on developing and empowering others. Managers dole out tasks, while leaders share a vision that's motivating and meaningful. In today’s competitive job market, with competition from online as well as other traditional retailers and supermarkets the only differentiator left is the quality of leadership.”

Why should delegates come to see your session?

“This session will give a tour de force on different leadership styles, challenge your focus and encourage you to recognise your strengths and areas you can improve. You’ll discover how different captains of our industry identify and create leadership behaviours and future leaders. You’ll learn the secrets of heliotropic leadership and how, ‘why?’ is crucial to recruiting and retaining millennials. Finally you’ll leave with practical tools to enable you and your leadership team to ‘Eat that Frog’, focus on the stuff that matters and evaluate your leadership team.”

- Neil Addley, Founder and Managing Director, JudgeService Research

