13th November 2024
NEC Birmingham

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As online retail and on-site become ever more entwined for car buyers, high quality listings and a seamless digital to physical experience is vital in persuading customers to take the next step. Horsburgh explored the modern customer buying journey and demonstrated how to halve your time to web.

In this session, visitors learnt:

  • The expectations of today's customer throughout the buying journey
  • How to make the most of online digital assets and cut time from retail ready vehicle to published digital listing
  • How to bridge the gap between digital to physical/online to offline to provide a seamless customer experience


Alistair Horsburgh

Alistair Horsburgh





Why is this topic important to motor retailers?

“The traditional route to market for newly arrived used car stock is broken. Latest technology, sophisticated software and immediate high quality images and video means retailers can upload a vehicle’s digital assets as soon as it arrives on the forecourt. Such instantaneous online marketing increases stock turn, a recognised profit booster. As more and, in some cases all, of the buying process takes place online, such a speedy turnaround will become even more important."

Why should delegates come to see your session?

“Until now the sector has largely seen online as where information is to aid chunks of decision-making and the showroom as where the deal is done, but that’s no longer the case. This session explores how high quality digital assets uploaded as soon as the car is retail ready will tip the balance in favour of enquiries and conversions as well as helping bridge the gap between the online and offline customer experience.”

- Alistair Horsburgh, CEO, CitNOW