13th November 2024
NEC Birmingham

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Unfortunately, exhibitors across the industry are being targeted by companies claiming to be, or work with, event organisers. Please be advised that we do not share any data with such organisations, so any offers to sell data for our event should be viewed suspiciously and treated with caution.

Profit Clinic

All Meetings

Independent one-to-one advice on how to make more profit with our expert partner.

Find out how to become more profitable at the ASE Profit Clinic

Mike Jones, chairman, ASE

Drawing on its vast library of best practice, this session explores the financial impact of implementing a number of revenue-boosting activities both short and long term. Highlighting ways to increase profitability, Jones will look at the top 10 elements the most profitable dealers have put in place which differentiates them from the majority. Drawing on data gathered by ASE on a monthly basis and the thousands of dealer performance improvement visits the consultancy performs on an annual basis, Jones will provide essential insights as dealers seek to make gains in what has been a challenging market in April and May. Jones will also discuss how the market is likely to perform in the second half of this year.

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