13th November 2024
NEC Birmingham

IMPORTANT: Exhibitor Notice

Unfortunately, exhibitors across the industry are being targeted by companies claiming to be, or work with, event organisers. Please be advised that we do not share any data with such organisations, so any offers to sell data for our event should be viewed suspiciously and treated with caution.

The EV Zone


Brand-new for 2022, Automotive Management Live introduced the Egg Sponsored EV Charging Zone. The dedicated EV zone ensured visitors were ready to maximise profitability from selling, repairing and servicing EVs.

Egg’s specialists highlighted the multiple business opportunities which EV ownership can bring. The company’s experts also were on hand to provide dealership sustainability advice to tackle the rise in energy costs and to help businesses achieve carbon net zero by 2030.

Solutions available for dealerships and groups through Egg include:

  • Delivering home EV charging solutions for automotive customers
  • On-site dealership EV charging options
  • Solar PV installation to generate on-site energy
  • Battery storage for unused electricity for future use